Supercharged Slack reminders for teams
Donezo is a friendly task reminder for teams. We check in with your team so you don’t have to be that “Hey, just following up” person anymore.
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All you have to do is create a task.
Just tell Donezo what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and when it needs to be complete. We’ll handle the rest.
What Donezo does for you…
We’ve all seen important Slack messages that require action float into obilivion as days get busy. But they don’t have to.
Automatically notifies each member via DM and adds the task to their Donezo home page in Slack.
Sends automatic reminders to team members who haven’t completed as due date approaches.
Lets you see who has and who hasn’t completed the task in one easy click.
Automatically notifies each member via DM and adds the task to their Donezo home page in Slack.
Sends automatic reminders to team members who haven’t completed as due date approaches.
Lets you see who has and who hasn’t completed the task in one easy click.
Get Started
During Beta
• Unlimited Donezos
• All user access
• More stuff done
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